Desorden Púlico

Bakalao Stars Founded in Caracas, Venezuela in 1985, Desorden Público is the first and most important Ska project-and one of the largest-pop bands of contemporary musical history of Venezuela,…

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VaNova Dúo

VaNova Dúo VaNova Dúo - Duo  is a very dynamic world music Duo from Charlotte, NC. Vadim Kolpakov and Brenda Nova show unique chemistry on stage which makes their performances delightful…

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Orquesta Mayor

Orquesta Mayor North Carolina’s finest Salsa band, Orquesta Mayor. With a trio of vocalists, a killer horn section and director Helder Serralde, Orquesta Mayor has been performing straight up…

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Wanda Lopez

Wanda Lopez A Cuban diva, singer and composer, performer of over 20 different styles of music. Wanda started singing in her country Cuba since she was 13 years old,…

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Son Poquitos

Son Poquitos SON POQUITOS – Cuban music made in North Carolina; 7 piece band ; led by talented Trumpet player Helder Serralde, their repertory include classics from Buena Vista Social…

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Rumbao Rumbao was formed in March 2013. Each dancer enjoys creative freedom and brings unique talents to the group following an On2 New York Style. Rumbao has been able…

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Reinaldo Brahn

Reinaldo Brahn Born in Belo Horizonte (Beautiful Horizon), the third largest city in Brazil.  Reinaldo Brahn picked up his brother’s guitar at age 14, curiously strummed its chords, and…

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UltimaNota UltimaNota fuses new with old, English with Spanish, and tropical rhythms with pop to create a fresh and modern sound unlike anything else in the Charlotte area. With…

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